Are You the All Star of Your Life? 7 Tips to help you WIN the Finals!

The Easiest Way to Reach Your Goals fb


Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you were at your absolute best? Do you think that you are already there? What does that even look like? Would you have boundless energy, endless positive thoughts, be at your physical peek or would you be half way done with your dream business?

While looking at my “to do” list, I was thinking not only about how much needed to get done, but it dawned on me “who do I need to become to get ALL of this done, and MORE!” So I started thinking, how do I become the “All Star” player in my field?

Ok, so what does that mean? When I look at All Star sports players like Lebron James or Michael Jordan, you always hear about their dedication to their craft and their passion about practice and mastering the “basics”. They are both known for being the first in the gym and the last to leave. They both shoot more free throws in practice than anyone and do more drills and exercises when no one is looking – all this to master their craft and in return, be that All Star Player!

So how does this relate to you? What basics do you need to do daily and MASTER so you can fulfill your dreams and live the life you have only dreamed of to be the All Star in your field? Here are some questions to help you find out:


1. What EXACTLY do you want? Be a specific as possible. Lebron James sets his goals to be the NBA MVP – what does the MVP of your life look like?

2. What kind of physical shape do you need to be in? I can only imagine that no matter what your goal is, if you were at your physical best where you were toned, healthy and full of energy, you could accomplish anything!

3. What foods do you need to eat to have tons of energy to be at your best? Do you need to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet? Do you need to reduce the amount of sugar and fried food?

4. What are the “basics” you need to master? For example, if you wanted to be a writer, a basic exercise for you would be to write daily. If you wanted to be a yoga instructor, practicing various breathing daily would be helpful.

5. What kind of daily ritual do you need to have? Lebron James knows what he needs to do daily to reach his goal including: a great workout, practicing his basketball basics, eating great, etc. One ritual that everyone should focus on is your morning ritual. This one is SO important as it will set your day up for success. A great morning ritual would include: reading your goals, some type of exercise and taking a few moments to plan your day and set your intentions for what you want to achieve. Studies prove that if you set daily goals (intentions) you are more likely to achieve them!

6. How much sleep are you getting? If you are sleep deprived, your body won’t let you be at your best!

7. Who do YOU need to become to be your All Star? For example, if your goal is be to a superstar yoga instructor, you should be confident talking to people and comfortable in front of large groups and cameras. You need to be in great shape and be skilled in the various types of yoga. Also a superstar yoga instructor should be skilled in marketing herself and passionate about meditation and nutrition.

So, have you figured out how to be the All Star of your life? Take the next few moments and describe the person you NEED to be to achieve your goals and then list the basic skills you need to master daily to make it happen.

Success is a choice and you have every tool right now you need to make it happen. Be the All Star of your life and make the choice now.

Wishing you tons of success and a life lived at your BEST!


Author:  Valerie Stuut
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