Knowing basic table etiquette is an invaluable skill that can serve you both professionally and personally for years to come. To make sure you’re table ready, we at Smartte have a few basic tips.
-Chew with your mouth closed, and don’t talk while eating.
-Use utensils from the outside, in. Start with the utensils furthest away from your plate.
-Cut one piece of food at a time.
-Keep good posture, and keep your elbows off the table while eating.
-Wait until done chewing to sip your drink.
-Pass dishes counterclockwise (to the right).
-Ask for food to be passed to you, don’t reach.
-When you’re finished, place your fork and knife at 4 o’clock on your plate.
Following these tips will ensure that you always have your best foot forward when out to eat.
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