Approximately one week after graduating college, I did what countless adults warned me not to do: I got a puppy. Though my sweet French bulldog puppy … [Read more...]
My Brand. My LifeStyle. My Community. My Best Life!
By Valerie
Approximately one week after graduating college, I did what countless adults warned me not to do: I got a puppy. Though my sweet French bulldog puppy … [Read more...]
By Valerie
Sure, I wrote a budget when I was in college – then glanced at it again a few months later and laughed. Even though my bank account was usually just a … [Read more...]
Remember those thank you notes back from your sixth birthday party? The ones that were already printed, with some cute cartoon character or other. All … [Read more...]
I usually consider leggings and a sweater a perfectly acceptable outfit. In fact, you’d have a good chance of finding me out on a Friday night in just … [Read more...]
Now, you may read this title and think to yourself, why would someone write an incomplete guide to anything? Isn’t that a little bit of an oxymoron? … [Read more...]